President's Handover Night
Well, President Jane Illingworth delivered an amazing farewell speech last night as 2016-2017 leadership is changing hands as of July 1st. Out with the old and in with the new as the saying goes. Last night, President Jane spoke about all the vast number of goals and acheivements that the club had completed for her year as President, including: increasing membership, exceeding fundraising targets for the charity Christmas Collections, Charity Walk, Barn Dance, adding a new project for our Club in a Quiz Night, and generally having fun! You can see in the picture that President Jane delivered on all aspects of these goals as she is seen signing off while presenting a cheque for £2000 to her chosen charity Winston’s Wish. Accepting the cheque is Lara Max from Winston’s Wish. David Martin received a prestigious Paul Harris Fellowship, for recognition of his significant contribution to the Rotary Club since he joined in 2011. We made 100% of our objective for funds delivered to the Foundation and local charities. Thanks to President Jane and all the Club members! Five Club Members vied to win the coveted Attendance Cup: Ian Caldwell, Gillian Caldwell, Paul Lufflum, Roger De La Perrelle and John Hannah.
Thanks Jane for all your hard work and dedication to this Club!
You will be missed, and yet, we are all excited for the upcoming year and having incoming President Ian Caldwell lead us into a new and successful year!