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Banstead Rotary has partnered with Banstead Village In Bloom for the first ever Banstead entry to Br

The June Judging day was a beautiful warm sunny day attended by the Mayor Cllr Roger Newstead. The lovely floral areas showed well in the village. The In Bloom competition is however not just about having lots of Council bedding, but about Community involvement and all year round interest and activity throughout the Village. Banstead Rotary Club members were pleased to lend support. The judges were delighted with the co-operation, work and effort that had gone into The Community Hall beds and borders which were looking marvellous. Thanks go to the Horticultural Society (President Lilian Spring’s perennial Border) supported with a grant from the Banstead Village Resident’s Association, and the Flower Club’s rich bedding on the roundabout. All groups worked hard to ensure that things were watered and maintained at their very best for the judging. Banstead Village in Bloom was presented with a Silver award, a terrific result for our first year and we have already begun planning and preparing for 2018!

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