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The Friends of Nonsuch

On Tuesday 29th October, The Friends of Nonsuch showed 17 members and guests of the Banstead Rotary Club around the refurbished mansion house. Sheila Ayliffe started the tour with a history of the building and the state of the mansion house prior to the refurbishment.

Then three of the Friends’ team took over the tour and guided the visitors around the inside of the Mansion. We saw a selection of rooms, outside dairy, pantries and kitchens, as well as the gardens with the great pit excavated for building materials!

We learned about what life in service meant in previous centuries. We also learned about the harshness of this life and the contrast between the servants’ quarters and spacious living environment with high ceilings creating a luxury home for the gentry!

Afterwards we repaired to The Grumpy Mole for well deserved cream teas.


by Banstead Rotary

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