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A weekend visit to our twin Club Louvier Le Neubourg

The Rotary Club of Banstead is twinned with Louviers Le Neubourg. typically we visit them one year and the next year they visit us

Over the weekend of 8- 10 June, 14 Banstead Rotarians and partners travelled to Louviers in France to meet with their Rotarian friends from their twin club of Louvier Le Neubourg. The clubs have been twinned for many years and it was an occasion to renew old friendships and, for new members, to make new ones. Everyone met up on the terrace at Vaudreuil Golf Club. It was obvious from the start that food would play a big part in the weekend! The Louviers club's President Christian had organised the weekend’s hospitality which began that same evening at a large dinner party with our host families. We had a fascinating visit next day to the British Military Cemetary in St. Saver. Afterwards we went to the Panorama XXL to the Rouen 1431 in the days of Joan of Arc in the city of Rouen. We went to have lunch in the oldest part of the town at Pasacaline, followed by a tour of the old streets, clock, and followed in the footsteps of Joan of Arc to the new museum, Historical Joan of Arc in the Bishop’s Palace , behind the Cathedral! We enjoyed a grand dinner on Saturday evening at Champ de Bataille Golf Club to celebrate Louviers Le Neubourg Rotary Club’s 60th anniversary, including speeches and toasts made by Presidents Ian and Christian . So after many miles and meals we found ourselves back for Sunday brunch at the Vaudreuil Golf Club on our final day to discuss joint projects and their return trip to Banstead in 2019!


by Banstead Rotary


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