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Outgoing President Ian Caldwell hands over to incoming President David Martin

After the meal President Ian said a few words of thanks to the members of the Club for all their work during his year, raising over £10,000 through the Christmas Collections and raising £1,030 in the recent Quiz Night which he has sent to the Marfan Association UK, a small charity that will be delighted to receive this sum. President Ian has a granddaughter with Marfan Syndrome, which is why he has chosen to support this charity.

He then handed over the Rotary Collar which has names of many past Presidents stitched on to it. The new President, David Martin, made a short speech saying how he would like to continue the work of the Club in the same manner as it has been conducted in the past, not introducing too many new projects as he did not want to put a strain on the members. After his maiden speech he then inducted John Draper as the President Elect for the year 2019-2020 and would have inducted Paul Lufflum as the Vice President, had he been present. He then induced Derek Aram as Secretary once again, a job that Derek has carried out excellently for a number of years. He would also have inducted Roger de la Perrelle as Treasurer, but Roger is away in Liverpool. Roger has also been acting as the Club’s Treasurer for a number of years, a job he also carries out excellently.

Outgoing President Ian Caldwell wished David good luck with his year as President, a job Ian is sure David will be very good at, as he is a very active member of the Club with very good organisational skills. He then concluded the evening with the final toast, Rotary and Peace the World over.


by Banstead Rotary

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