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Banstead Village Fair

In the middle of the heatwave, the Banstead Village Fair was yet another success this year with 28 stall holders representing a wide variety of local charities and organisations. The Orchard was colourfully set out with tombolas, raffles, bric-a-brac, cakes and many tables giving information to the members of the public. The bouncy castle was a big attraction for the younger visitors as usual!

The event was opened by the Mayor of Reigate and Banstead, Cllr. Mrs Dorothy Ross-Tomlin. President David Martin welcomed her and guided her around the stalls. In her opening speech she recognised the importance of the event in raising the profile of local groups and congratulated Rotary on the organisation of the event.

A large crowd gathered to hear the Show Choir perform in their inimitable fashion with popular songs from the shows.

The attendance was a little down on last year but we put this down to competition from Wimbledon finals and World Cup events on the television.


by Banstead Rotary


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