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Latest News for July and August from Banstead Rotary

In July David Martin took over as the new president of the Club and one of the first events of his year was to welcome a new member, Alexis Nutt. This was followed by the judging of Banstead in Bloom, where David, who has been very involved with organising this, was accompanied by the Mayor, Councillor Ross-Tomlin, the results of which will be revealed in September. Immediate Past President, Ian Caldwell, was pleased to present the Rotary awards on 12th July to students at the Beacon School for various kinds of service to the community. This was closely followed by the Banstead Village Fair on 14th July, also organised by Rotary and opened by the Mayor, Councillor Ross-Tomlin. A large number of charities held stalls, with a bouncy castle for children and many games and tombolas for all, with a lively performance by the Show Choir.

On 17th July the club were given a talk by Connor Clune, who related his experiences as a Balloon Venturer in Kenya where he was helping to promote and establish small businesses. The Club had given £300 towards this project and Connor gave an excellent talk about his experiences. On 7th August the Club heard an inspiring talk about the Gary Mason Charity, concerning the therapeutic effect of Hand Drumming, given by Christine Lindsay. On 11th August a number of members of the Banstead Club helped the Sanderstead and Selsdon Club with their Reachout event, where about 100 elderly people were given a day out with a meal and musical entertainment, being bussed back and forth in the fleet of mini-busses. On 15th August a number of our members will be shown around the Langley Vale tree planting project by James Rice, a member of the Woodland Trust, as members paid for the planting of 15 trees. At our meeting on 21st August Jennifer Mollett is giving a talk on the South East Cancer Help Centre. If you would like to know more about the Club’s activities visit the website at

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