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A Santa Milestone!

A much loved and long-standing Christmas tradition, which sees Santa’s sleigh visit homes around Banstead Village, Nork, Tattenhams and Preston Hall during the festive period, has hit a huge £150,000 fundraising milestone!

Banstead Rotary Club, has achieved the landmark in its 67th year.

Father Christmas has been out and about in the area since November 29th in the build-up to Christmas Day, playing Christmas songs and collecting for several charities over the Festive period.

David Martin, President, Banstead Rotary, said: “It takes a lot of planning, volunteers, and it’s great fun to dress up as the Santa and ride on the sleigh!

“This year in December 2018, we were able to raise £10,675 with the sleigh in support of many local charities and with volunteers – including Banstead Business Guild, Age Concern, Scouts & Guides, Beacon School, Banstead Five Churches, Dyscover, Sunnybank Trust, Home Start, Macular Society, MHA Live At Home, to name some of them.”

Banstead Rotary received its charter on 17TH December 1951. The Santa Sleigh’s first outing was in the early fifties and has been run by Banstead Rotary ever since.

Added longstanding member and President Elect, John Draper “when I first joined the Santa float was a rocket, with a stuffed Father Christmas in the seat of the rocket!”.

After the first run the tours have rapidly grown annually, and this year Banstead Rotary was out and about over 15 days from 29 November- 20 December.

This year, the Club has again exceeded the previous year’s target of £10,000! Thanks for all the help, and,thanks to the people of Banstead for their generosity. All this money will be distributed to local groups & charities!


by Banstead Rotary

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