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Adding a splash of purple to our community!

Rotary clubs help to plant millions of purple crocuses every year to raise awareness for efforts to end polio.

Spring each year sees a beautiful purple carpet of crocus blooming in many communities across Great Britain and Ireland thanks to the Purple Crocus Corm planting to raise awareness of the Rotary fight for a polio free world.

Banstead Rotary has made a number of plantings over the years at The Orchard, Banstead Library lawn and at the verges by the War Memorial and The Library, plus last Autumn at Tattenham Corner Green. We are ably supported by Banstead Horticultural Society expert Diana, Banstead Village In Bloom, and, pupils from The Beacon School.

Planting the purple crocus corms by Rotary and the community groups is a great way of getting active, having fun and talking to people about the need to eradicate the life threatening and disabling polio virus



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