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Surrey Anti-Slavery Partnership

An interesting and thought provoking presetation at our Rotary dinner on Tuesday April 2nd 2024. Jennifer Hyde provides the following synopsis:

Surrey Anti-Slavery Partnership (in conjunction with Reigate Archdeaconry Social Justice Focus) gave a talk entitled Modern Slavery, Right Here, Right Now!  There are thought to be over 122,000 men, women and children trapped in modern slavery in the UK today.  Last year over 23,000 victims were rescued from slavery and now have the chance to rebuild their lives in safety thanks to the vigilance of the public reporting things they see around them that ‘don’t seem quite right’ and the investigations of police forces around the country.  Modern slavery is the illegal exploitation of people for personal or commercial gain.  It covers a wide range of abuse and exploitation including sexual exploitation, domestic servitude, forced labour, criminal exploitation, money muling and organ harvesting.  Victims of modern slavery can be of any age, gender, nationality and ethnicity.  Places you might see victims of slavery in your community are takeaway kitchens and delivery services, beggars and sellers on trains, building sites, care homes and domiciliary care as well as people who come to sell at your door.  You can find out more by asking us to talk at other meetings or taking part in our 4 session course, Hidden Voices, which aims to help you learn more and set up an action group to improve things in your area.  To find out more, contact us at



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