Money raised by Banstead Rotary
supports many charities

Age Concern Banstead www.ageconcernbanstead.org.uk
Home Start Epsom, Ewell and Banstead www.hseeb.org
Dyscover www.dyscover.org.uk
Epsom and Ewell Food Bank www.epsomewell.foodbank.org.uk
Epsom and Ewell Talking Newspaper www.eetn.org.uk
East Surrey Autism https://nassurreybranch.org
The Diamond Centre www.diamondcentre.org.uk
Princess Alice Hospice www.pah.org.uk
QEF Banstead Place www.qef.org.uk/our-services/qef-neuro-rehabilitation-services
Cross Roads Care www.crossroadscaresurrey.org.uk
Banstead Scouts www.bansteadscouts.co.uk
The Beacon School www.thebeaconschool.co.uk
Transform Housing & Support https://www.transformhousing.org.uk
Maggie's At The Marsden www.maggies.org/our-centres/maggies-at-the-royal-marsde

Macular Society Banstead Support Group - Banstead Macular Group, has been in existence for over thirty years and its aim is to help and support those members suffering from debilitating age-related, macular degeneration, i.e. central vision loss. People affected by this are rarely totally blind as a consequence, but some are very compromised, with only limited peripheral vision.
Banstead Macular Group is always grateful for VOLUNTEERS to support members that have lost independence and may suffer from visual hallucinations. The support given includes reading, driving, companionship, Speakers and Entertainers, and the aim is to counter loneliness.
The Group meets monthly on the 4th Thursday at the Community Centre, The Horseshoe, Banstead SM7 2BQ
Twice a year the Group have Outings, which are heavily subsidised for our members, and in addition other treats.
If you wish to contact the Macular Society of Banstead Support Group, please call Janet Freeman on 01737 248581