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Purple4Polio Crocus Planting to support the End Polio Campaign

In Banstead Rotarians have been involved in planting purple crocuses to raise awareness of the End Polio campaign.   Members of the Banstead Horticultural Society and Banstead Rotary Club lead by David Martin joined forces on 16 October and planted 4,000 crocus bulbs in a serpentine design at the the verge by The War Memorial on Banstead High Street.  We thank Reigate and Banstead Council for permission to plant at this location.

Purple4Polio, is designed to unite communities to engage in activities as part of the final push to eradicate polio for good.The purple crocus is a symbol of Rotary’s worldwide campaign to eradicate polio, with its colour representing the purple dye used to mark the finger of a child to indicate they have received their life saving oral polio vaccine.

Profits from the sale of the Rotary crocuses, produced by the RHS, will fund polio vaccinations, with donations being 'double matched' from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.   The crocuses [Ruby Giant], which were purchased by Banstead Rotary Club, are expected to flower in the spring, in late February or early March.

Thanks to the efforts of the Banstead Rotary Club, over 1250 children will receive polio vaccinations.

The Banstead groups look forward to Springtime and to see the results of the hard work!



by Banstead Rotary

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