Banstead Village in Bloom results
Banstead Village in Bloom was judged on 10th July and the results were announced on 14th September, where we were awarded a Silver Gilt. We would like to thank the volunteers and local community for their help and support, to improve from a Silver in 2017 to a our Silver Gilt in 2018. We would love to achieve a Gold award next year.
This year the colour scheme was red, white and blue in support and memory of the centenary of the Great War. Some of the improvements you would have noticed this year are the flowers outside the library planted by volunteers, the wheelbarrows at the end of the High Street planted by local schools, the new planters and bench outside of Tesco, the flower bed outside of Waitrose, plus all the efforts made by the local business in Banstead. Reigate and Banstead council contributed the other planters along the High Street.​
We have started to consider areas and projects to enhance Banstead Village, based on the feed back, making it an even more pleasant place for people to enjoy in the coming year. ​
If you would like to become involved, volunteer on some of the initiatives ,have any ideas you would like to contribute or to come along to some of our fund raising events, you can find out more information on our website We are a friendly and enthusiastic group and would love to hear from you.​