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District Governor’s Visit

Our meeting on Tuesday October 17 was a Zoom meeting attended by District Governor Annemarie van Bochove Allen making her official visit to the club. Making a visit to us is a privilege and was much appreciated by the members.

Annemarie spoke about changes at Rotary GB&I, support available from the District Team and our Club, its development and achievements. Highlights include:

This year Rotary International President Gordon R McInally has set the scene for the year as “Create Hope in the World”. Alongside continuity across the years, the RI President has asked for special emphasis to be placed on mental health in the coming year, especially, as he had suffered the loss of a family member through mental health issues. The District is working closely with Bipolar UK and Annemarie talked about project opportunities for the Club.

DG Annemarie urged the club to make sure that all its work is recorded on Rotary Club Central and noted that she was impressed by our successes and plans.

She spoke about the launch of the International Bipolar E-Club which D1145 is hosting and the District Strategic Action Plan and the Rotary GB&I upcoming project North Star, both of which are focussed on increasing Rotary membership.

In Rotary South, D1145, we have 85 clubs and 2,000 members and she stressed the benefits of being in Rotary such as camaraderie, friendship and the way you can leverage work by cooperating with other clubs and being part of something bigger: also, developing your career for example by project management and public speaking. Experience.

She also spoke briefly about the District Hub being set up whereby people can become Rotarians without actually having to join a club. However, they get full access to the Rotary website and can assist Rotary clubs with their projects. There is also going to be a Rotary South, D1145, Passport Club.

Jane thanked Annemarie for her talk and for emphasising that mental health is an issue, and, for her leadership of the Rotary South District 1145 for the coming year.



by Banstead Rotary

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