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Rotary Club of Banstead donates £1000

Members of Banstead Rotary and their partners attended President John Hannam’s Dinner on 7 June to present to the charity Cystic Fibrosis UK a cheque totalling £1,000.

The funds had been raised from their Quiz Night held in May. Serena Wilson who represented the charity was invited to speak of the history of the charity, their difficulties faced during the pandemic in continuing to support their service users while their income was severely reduced due to having fewer opportunities to fund-raise.

Each year, the club’s president chooses a charity to be the major beneficiary and this year President John Hannam chose Cystic Fibrosis UK because his niece was born with the condition.

President John said: “It was nice to meet someone from the organisation and be able to bring them some support after the pandemic”.



by Banstead Rotary

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