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Banstead Rotary Christmas In Banstead Photograph Competition

Given the current Covid-19 situation and the challenges of a face to face Christmas Collection, we decided that, we would launch a Christmas In Banstead Photograph Competition to cheer everyone up. This provided an additional support to the Rotary Club of Banstead’s Christmas Santa Appeal.

The competition was launched in November by Rotarian Steve McNeice who is Vice President-Elect of the Rotary Club of Banstead.

Working in conjunction with the supermarket ASDA Burgh Heath, who generously donated a large hamper full of festive treats, the Christmas In Banstead Photograph Competition was intended to help others have a Merry Christmas this year by asking the generous people of Banstead to participate and donate online.

With the Competition Winner declared, the Hamper prize was duly presented to Suzanne, whose photo won by a landslide. Jane handed it over to Suzanne.

Suzanne decided in keeping with the spirit of Rotary to donate the Hamper and contents to The Momentum Childrens’s Charity.

Momentum Children’s Charity supports families across South West London, Surrey and West Sussex whose children are facing cancer or a life-challenging condition. We provide personally tailored support to the entire family, both in hospital and at home



by Banstead Rotary

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As a service charity, operating both nationally and internationally, which can be contacted on email:  we promise to retain, for as short a period as reasonably necessary, your personal data privately and securely. It will be used solely to further the interests of the Charity. It will never be disclosed to a third-party without your prior consent. Anyone is entitled to details of the information we hold about them and to require cancellation of it. Any complaint about our handling of your data may be made to the Information Commissioner`s Office at Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wimslow, Cheshire SK95AF. Helpline 0303 123 1113.'

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